Address: 133H Trans Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt, River State. Nigeria

Jessivy’s inspection department delivers top-tier pipeline inspection and integrity management services, utilizing advanced in-line inspection techniques such as Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL), TFI Caliper, and Geometry & Ultrasonic Testing (UT) technologies. Additionally, Jessivy stands out in the oil and gas industry by providing comprehensive integrity management support services, ensuring the utmost reliability and safety of pipeline operations. 

Jeissvy pipeline inspection duties include:

  • Supply of cleaning pigs 
  • Supply of traps (launchers & receivers) 
  • Pipeline coating services 
  • Pipeline cleaning operations 
  • Pipeline gauging & dewatering operations 
  • Geometry survey of Pipelines
  • Inline metal loss and crack detection surveys of pipeline (involving

MFL, TFI, EMAT and ultrasonic inspection techniques or other techniques

  • Pipeline Integrity management and assessment services