Address: 133H Trans Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt, River State. Nigeria

Jessivy Energy is tailored toward developing and improving local indigenous capacity building in the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector with a view to enabling Nigerians take active Participation in order to improve the growth and development of the Nigerian economy. 

Jessivy Energy local content is in compliance with the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 (NOGICD Act) on Nigerian Content Development (NCD). Recruits aptly qualified Nigerians in all her operations where requisite resources are available locally without compromise to quality, technical integrity and operational effectiveness. 


Jessivy Energy quality policy is to provide and deliver products and services which meet or exceed our customer requirements, while working toward continual improvements and customer satisfaction. This goal is achieved through the establishment of a quality management system designed to ensure product conformity, provide measurements of its processes and utilize the measurements for continual improvement of its processes


The company makes provision for the first Aid units and engages qualified MEDICS to administer same. In addition to this the company establishes retainer ship with approved clinics. This is to ensure where the need arises, adequate medical attention and care is given to employees. Jessivy Energy believes that there is a relationship between accident prevention and good health Policy, It is therefore our drive to maintain a good health oriented workforce and environment.


At Jessivy Energy our core value is to maintain outstanding Quality, Health, Safety and security of our employees and other persons we come in contact with in our work as well as the protection of the Environment in which we operate are good for business. It is in view of this belief and the need ensure high quality services to our clients that our management considers, Health Safety and Environment (HSE) matters of equal importance with productivity.


Jessivy Energy policy on community affairs seeks to ensure that negative impact of her operations on host communities are minimized and that community relations are improved to reduce community disruption to operations.